Medium- & Heavy-duty
Hydrogen fuel cells contain a higher amount of energy-per-unit mass than diesel fuel. A truck can have a higher amount of energy available without significantly increasing the weight — an important advantage for the trucks that face weight penalty policies. Zero emission mobility is no longer a dream, it is real and we can help you make it happen.
Hydrogen systems medium- and heavy-duty solutions
We have succeeded in developing a particularly light, robust, and secure hydrogen system to meet the demands of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
Battery systems medium- and heavy-duty solutions
We offer battery packs and integrated electric drivetrain for battery electric and fuel cell electric medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
Our team of over 650 highly-qualified professionals is strategically located to provide OEMs, dealers, and fleet operators best-in-class product development, manufacturing, service and support wherever they are.
Contact →Hexagon Purus ASA
Haakon VII's gate 2
0161 Oslo